In case anyone was curious what information comes with the datalog from an nGauge tuner from MPT, here it is. I did a datalog for them to review. 0-85, normal driving mode with the 91PRX tune.
I'm not an expert at reading this, but it appears I'm running some good gas, which means there is no knocking. If there was a positive value in the KNOCKR column, that would not be preferred. It would have to pull timing.
The Lamba1 column should be near 1. Anything above 1 and its lean, below 1 and its running rich. I appear to be running on the rich side right now. I'm asking the tuner if there is anything to do about that.
I'm not an expert at reading this, but it appears I'm running some good gas, which means there is no knocking. If there was a positive value in the KNOCKR column, that would not be preferred. It would have to pull timing.
The Lamba1 column should be near 1. Anything above 1 and its lean, below 1 and its running rich. I appear to be running on the rich side right now. I'm asking the tuner if there is anything to do about that.