Recent content by Inquisitor

  1. Inquisitor

    New Member from TX!

    Welcome! I'm in Bryan for the day with my R. Saw several raptors parked at Texas Roadhouse last night.
  2. Inquisitor

    Oil seperator / catch can for the R

    I've been sick and haven't installed mine yet, however when installing my S&B intake I broke one of those orange clips. I ordered a similar hose off ebay and removed the orange clips out of them (K2GZ6758-HA).
  3. Inquisitor

    Raptor R intake?

    Mine also shipped today.
  4. Inquisitor

    Raptor R intake?

    Haven't heard anything else from S&B, though their website now shows the following, so maybe they'll start shipping soon: EST. DELIVERY: THURSDAY, JAN 25 IF ORDERED WITHIN 14 HOURS AND 33 MINUTES Edit: This is for the Cotton Cleanable filter kit (what I ordered), the Dry Extendable is showing...
  5. Inquisitor

    Raptor R in White MSRP

    I'm in central TX, we had a freak hail storm at the end of September that came out of nowhere. Wife and I discussed putting vehicles under cover, and ended up not because we thought storm would pass by. We had 3 vehicles each with at least 15K damage done to them, including my '23 37pp I got in...
  6. Inquisitor

    Raptor R intake?

    Ordered the S&B this morning, got an automated email back saying it's still backordered but should be shipping within 7 days.