Craig A
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  • Hi Craig, I'd like a decal if they are still being sent out. Thanks. Manny in Indio, California.
    Craig A
    Craig A
    Sure thing, send me a PM and I'll get you taken care of
    Hi Craig,
    I just became a Supporting Member. If you still are producing decals for us I have a spot reserved on my right & left bed panel to represent the Forum. I’d like the decals in Matte Black. Please let me what I’d owe you and shipping costs.
    Thanks - Woody in San Diego
    Craig A
    Craig A
    Woody, send me a PM with your details and I'll get you taken care of
    Hi Craig, you can send me a decal if you have time. Thanks
    Craig A
    Craig A
    I realize this is an old post, but did you ever get a decal?
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