I'm back! Unfortunately. Here's the low-down.
I had a horrid vibrating under braking that I ended up doing new pads on - didn't work. Replaced front rotors - problem solved. Great. A hundred or so miles later, I ended hearing what I thought was a small impact wrench as I was driving, which I thought was someone maybe just using one nearby as I drove by, but soon found that it was me and I believe it's coming from my driver's side wheel but unsure. It usually happens in lower gears, but isn't gear-specific (doesn't always happen in only 1/2/3/4 gear, for instance) and is semi-intermittent and stops after a few seconds.
So, I took off both front wheels and did a brake inspection - nothing evident. I thought something might have been contacting the dust shield, but I didn't see any evidence/wear and manually turned the rotors with each wheel off to see if anything was rubbing - nothing. When replacing my rotors, I did have a wheel stud come loose, but torqued it well and it seated fine. Thought that might have come loose again, so I got the little wheel stud tool to help set them, measured them all before and after using the tool - they were all the same measurement before and after, so it's not like one of those got loose and was contacting the shield, I don't believe. SO it's hard to say if this is related at all to the previous brake work, but everything seems to be very tidy there - brake pad retainers don't seem to have any play, but I guess I'd need to double check, I didn't notice any when getting in 'em the past few days.
I'm attaching a video here, in which you can hear it. If you have any ideas, please let me know! One of the videos is longer and the sound doesn't come until the end - interestingly, it's not just a turning (assumed CV issue) instance. I call out the gears it's in to try to help add as much info as possible. Notably, it only seems to be a low-speed issue, and goes away quite quickly.
I had a horrid vibrating under braking that I ended up doing new pads on - didn't work. Replaced front rotors - problem solved. Great. A hundred or so miles later, I ended hearing what I thought was a small impact wrench as I was driving, which I thought was someone maybe just using one nearby as I drove by, but soon found that it was me and I believe it's coming from my driver's side wheel but unsure. It usually happens in lower gears, but isn't gear-specific (doesn't always happen in only 1/2/3/4 gear, for instance) and is semi-intermittent and stops after a few seconds.
So, I took off both front wheels and did a brake inspection - nothing evident. I thought something might have been contacting the dust shield, but I didn't see any evidence/wear and manually turned the rotors with each wheel off to see if anything was rubbing - nothing. When replacing my rotors, I did have a wheel stud come loose, but torqued it well and it seated fine. Thought that might have come loose again, so I got the little wheel stud tool to help set them, measured them all before and after using the tool - they were all the same measurement before and after, so it's not like one of those got loose and was contacting the shield, I don't believe. SO it's hard to say if this is related at all to the previous brake work, but everything seems to be very tidy there - brake pad retainers don't seem to have any play, but I guess I'd need to double check, I didn't notice any when getting in 'em the past few days.
I'm attaching a video here, in which you can hear it. If you have any ideas, please let me know! One of the videos is longer and the sound doesn't come until the end - interestingly, it's not just a turning (assumed CV issue) instance. I call out the gears it's in to try to help add as much info as possible. Notably, it only seems to be a low-speed issue, and goes away quite quickly.
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