GEN 2 Beware if you pull your Raptor (F150) behind a motorhome. Transmission trashed….

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Jul 3, 2021
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N Florida
I have been towing my Raptor behind my motorhome for over 4 yrs ( thousands of miles) and all the sudden the tranny decided to shift into gear. I have taken every precaution I am aware of. I have a battery charger while I tow it to ensure the computer always has the power it needs. I have a laminated card that is used each time that it is towed (Listing the steps given from the manual). After attaching the truck to motorhome the brake lights are checked and at that time, my wife verifies that the truck tires roll. Showing that the truck is truly in neutral tow mode (dash shows neutral tow mode at this time).

We pulled into a campground and as we started to drive to our campsite, I felt the truck tug. So we stopped and unhitched the truck. We then could not get the truck out of park. The truck was towed to a Ford dealer. We had no other warning just the tug at the campground. The transmission had to be replaced while I sat in the campground for multiple days waiting for the repair to be completed. Two gears were fused together and there was metal filings and broken bolts in the pan. The mechanic also said the fluid smelled burnt too.
Has anyone experienced similar issues with a 2019 Raptor with the 10 speed transmission?


Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. We’re hunting sasquatch77
Dec 16, 2016
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So, there’s this guy:
this guy reports no issues over 30k miles

I’m starting to think that the figurative smoke from these reports is a pretty likely sign of figurative fire.

So, i have bad news, and worse news.
The bad news is, the transmission is a goner.
The worse news is, it’s almost certainly on national back order or if they rebuild it, one or more will similarly be on national backorder.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer here.
Once repaired: Don’t flat tow your Raptor, manual be damned.