Hello guys im new here need help with my raptor 2012 6.2

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Oct 12, 2023
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Tipos de traducción Traducción de texto español inglés Texto original quizas alguien pueda ayudarme compre mi raptor hace 5 meses y he tenido muchos problemas raros es un 6.2 litros todo empezó por qué mis botones de subir y bajar los vidrios no funcionaban tenia que apagar la camioneta y volver a prender para hacerlos funcionar y las bujias hacian un destello y sonaban lo lleve al dealer y cambiaran bujias y motor de botones de los vidrios pero supuestamente la camioneta se les apagaba a ellos asi que me dijeron que la bomba de gasolina estaba mala despues de esto el problema con los vidrios siguio la camioneta cada vez que hecho gas no quiere prender si no hasta el cuarto intento se ahoga revise la valvula de purge y esta buena decidi seguir manejando asi y le mande hacer su cambio de aceite despues del cambio ahora se apaga sola y prende la luz de baja presión de aceite y check engine la vuelvo a prender y se quita y puedo seguir manejando el motor tiene aceite en lo normal esto es una locura lo lleve a la ford nuevamente y a ellos no les falla y dicen que no salen codigos ya no se que hacer este problema me tiene loco tal vez a alguien ya le paso y lo soluciono ayuda porfavor tambien la camioneta tiembla mucho y cuando paro en un semaforo se acelera sola y alguna veces se ahoga y como que se quiere apagar tengo que acelerar para que no pase quizas alguien pueda ayudarme compre mi raptor hace 5 meses y he tenido muchos problemas raros es un 6.2 litros todo empezó por qué mis botones de subir y bajar los vidrios no funcionaban tenia que apagar la camioneta y volver a prender para hacerlos funcionar y las bujias hacian un destello y sonaban lo lleve al dealer y cambiaran bujias y motor de botones de los vidrios pero supuestamente la camioneta se les apagaba a ellos asi que me dijeron que la bomba de gasolina estaba mala despues de esto el problema con los vidrios siguio la camioneta cada vez que hecho gas no quiere prender si no hasta el cuarto intento se ahoga revise la valvula de purge y esta buena decidi seguir manejando asi y le mande hacer su cambio de aceite despues del cambio ahora se apaga sola y prende la luz de baja presión de aceite y check engine la vuelvo a prender y se quita y puedo seguir manejando el motor tiene aceite en lo normal esto es una locura lo lleve a la ford nuevamente y a ellos no les falla y dicen que no salen codigos ya no se que hacer este problema me tiene loco tal vez a alguien ya le paso y lo soluciono ayuda porfavor tambien la camioneta tiembla mucho y cuando paro en un semaforo se acelera sola y alguna veces se ahoga y como que se quiere apagar tengo que acelerar para que no pase 1.297 / 5.000 Resultados de traducción Resultado de traducción Maybe someone can help me. I bought my raptor 5 months ago and I've had a lot of strange problems. It's a 6.2 liter. It all started because my windows up and down buttons didn't work. I had to turn the truck off and on again to make them work and the spark plugs were making a flash and they rang, I took it to the dealer and they changed the spark plugs and the window button motor but supposedly the truck kept turning off for them so they told me that the fuel pump was bad. After this the problem with the windows continued with the truck every time. Once the gas is on, it doesn't want to start, otherwise it chokes until the fourth attempt. Check the purge valve and it's good. I decided to keep driving like this and I ordered him to do his oil change. After the change, now it turns off by itself and the low pressure light comes on. oil and check engine I turn it on again and it goes away and I can continue driving the engine has normal oil this is crazy I took it to Ford again and it doesn't fail them and they say that there are no codes coming out I don't know what to do about this problem anymore It's driving me crazy. Maybe it's already happened to someone and I'll fix it. Please help. The truck also shakes a lot and when I stop at a traffic light it speeds up on its own and sometimes it chokes and it seems like it wants to turn off. I have to speed up so it doesn't happen.

4.128 / 5.000

Resultados de traducción​

Resultado de traducción​

Types of translation Text translation Spanish English Original text Maybe someone can help me. I bought my raptor 5 months ago and I've had a lot of strange problems. It's a 6.2 liter. It all started because my windows up and down buttons didn't work. I had to turn the truck off and on again to make them work and the spark plugs were making a flash and they rang, I took it to the dealer and they changed the spark plugs and the window button motor but supposedly the truck kept turning off for them so they told me that the fuel pump was bad. After this the problem with the windows continued with the truck every time. Once the gas is on, it doesn't want to start, otherwise it chokes until the fourth attempt. Check the purge valve and it's good. I decided to keep driving like this and I ordered him to do his oil change. After the change, now it turns off by itself and the low pressure light comes on. oil and check engine I turn it on again and it goes away and I can continue driving the engine has normal oil this is crazy I took it to Ford again and it doesn't fail them and they say that there are no codes coming out I don't know what to do about this problem anymore It's driving me crazy. Maybe it's already happened to someone and I'll fix it. Please help. The truck also shakes a lot and when I stop at a traffic light it speeds up on its own and sometimes it chokes and it seems like it wants to turn off. I have to speed up so it doesn't happen. Maybe someone can help me. I bought my raptor 5 months ago and I've had a lot of strange problems. It's a 6.2 liter. It all started because my windows up and down buttons didn't work. I had to turn the truck off and on again to make them work and the spark plugs were making a flash and they rang, I took it to the dealer and they changed the spark plugs and the window button motor but supposedly the truck kept turning off for them so they told me that the fuel pump was bad. After this the problem with the windows continued with the truck every time. Once the gas is on, it doesn't want to start, otherwise it chokes until the fourth attempt. Check the purge valve and it's good. I decided to keep driving like this and I ordered him to do his oil change. After the change, now it turns off by itself and the low pressure light comes on. oil and check engine I turn it on again and it goes away and I can continue driving the engine has normal oil this is crazy I took it to Ford again and it doesn't fail them and they say that there are no codes coming out I don't know what to do about this problem anymore It's driving me crazy. Maybe it's already happened to someone and I'll fix it. Please help. The truck also shakes a lot and when I stop at a traffic light it speeds up on its own and sometimes it chokes and it seems like it wants to turn off. I have to speed up so it doesn't happen. 1,297 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Maybe someone can help me. I bought my raptor 5 months ago and I've had a lot of strange problems. It's a 6.2 liter. It all started because my windows up and down buttons didn't work. I had to turn the truck off and on again to make them work and the spark plugs were making a flash and they ranged, I took it to the dealer and they changed the spark plugs and the window button motor but supposedly the truck kept turning off for them so they told me that the fuel pump was bad. After this the problem with the windows continued with the truck every time. Once the gas is on, it doesn't want to start, otherwise it chokes until the fourth attempt. Check the purge valve and it's good. I decided to keep driving like this and I ordered him to do his oil change. After the change, now it turns off by itself and the low pressure light comes on. oil and check engine I turn it on again and it goes away and I can continue driving the engine has normal oil this is crazy I took it to Ford again and it doesn't fail them and they say that there are no codes coming out I don't know what to do about this problem anymore It's driving me crazy. Maybe it's already happened to someone and I'll fix it. Please help. The truck also shakes a lot and when I stop at a traffic light it speeds up on its own and sometimes it chokes and it seems like it wants to turn off. I have to speed up so it doesn't happen.

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